
Application for a traineeship with IAESTE

In order to apply for an internship, you must be enrolled in a technical, mathematical or scientific course of study at the university or a college in Stuttgart. Besides, you're not supposed to be more than 30 years old. Ideally you have completed at least 2 semesters in order to be able to work adequately in the company.

Further requirements, such as specialist areas, are determined by the employer.

An application takes two steps

Application period

November - December

Missed the application phase?

No problem. There are still open positions.

1. Pre-application (online) at IAESTE Stuttgart

By submitting the pre-application online, you apply for participation in the internship exchange with IAESTE (without obligation and independent of a specific position). This step is important so that we can determine, which of the applicants fit to our program and what kind of positions they are looking for.

The next application deadline is 15th of January 2023. The pre-application is already possible and can be submitted by following this link:

The first step is to register as a student. The user name for the account is always the e-mail address. The verification of your account can be done after you have uploaded a CV, a current transcript of records, a valid certificate of enrolment and a language certifiacte approving your english skills. Please upload all documents in English. The language certificate mustn't be older than 2 years at the application for the employer (expected deadline is beginning of march). For the pre-applicatian, an older language certificate, which contains the level after GER, is fine, if you assure that you will upload a valid language certificate till the final application. But bear in mind that a valid language certificate affects your application at the allocation of our offers (beginning of February) positively. If you don't have a language certificate yet, you can do the DAAD English Language Test  or a similar test at the language center of your university. After your verification you should complete your profile so that we can search a suitable internship offer for you. Please have a look at the details at the EP. 

Based on the pre-applications, the IAESTE-internship offers will be exchanged globally and nationally. Once the list of offers for the LC Stuttgart is fixed, you will be informed and can apply specifically for an offer at IAESTE. In the end of february,  the offers will be assigned at the position allocation evening. The temporal sequence of the application procedure can be found at the bottom of this page.

2. Application with the employer

The next step is to apply with the employer. This is done on our Exchange Platform, for which you have to create an account. The following documents must be submitted:

About the letter of motivation:

The letter of motivation should express why you want to do an internship abroad and why you want to do it with IAESTE. Furthermore, you should introduce yourself and your interests briefly. The content and also your creativity count. The letter of motivation should be informal, funny and creative!

Travel expense allowance

Under certain conditions you can apply for a travel allowance with the DAAD. This is done online via the DAAD portal. Travel allowance can only be granted to German students or Bafög students. Detailed information can be found here.

Please book your flight only after you have been accepted for the internship and received the acceptance papers.

Temporal Sequence

November - Pre-application 

You can apply for an internship without obligation from the beginning of the winter semester until  mid-January via the Exchange Platform. Here you can specify your field of study, internship wishes etc. after uploading some documents. This will help us to assess what kind of positions are needed. 

January - Positions are exchanged internationally 

At the Annual Conference all IAESTE local groups worldwide exchange their internship positions. Local groups organize internship positions in their area and apply for international positions organized by other Local Groups based on the applications they received. The German Local Groups usually get around 600 internship positions combined. 

Until February - Prioritization of the positions for Germany 

You will get an email containing all internship positions for Germany (about 600). From these you can choose your favorite 5.

We will then represent your preferences at the National Conference as best as we can. This conference will determine which internship positions Stuttgart as a Local Group actually gets.

February - Prioritization of the postions for Stuttgart 

You will get an email containing all internship positions by Stuttgart (about 600). From these you can again choose your favorite 5.

Now we will choose the fitting applications for the positions we got and invite you to the positions allocation evening.

February - Position allocation evening 

On this evening you will receive your "O Form", a form with more detailed information about the internship for which we have nominated you. It also contains information about your employer.

If you like the internship position, you must make a binding commitment that evening. You will also have to pay a deposit, which will be paid out after the internship.

We will also inform you in detail about the next steps here.

February - Application on post-exchange postions 

If there was no place for you, you still have a chance in the post-exchange. There the places are offered again, which were not assigned by the individual LCs in Germany. You will receive the post-exchange positions from us in an e-mail. 

March - Application with the employer 

If you want to accept the position, you must now make a binding commitment and prepare your application documents.

At the end of March you have to hand in all your application documents to us. The documents must be available abroad by 31 March.

April - Outgoing seminar 

During an outgoing seminar you will be prepared for an internship abroad. The remaining questions can be clarified there. Participation in the Outgoingseminar is obligatory. 

April/May - Remaining positions 

Often there are still some positions left. Separate application deadlines apply for these.

Otherwise, you have to wait for an acceptance/rejection from their employer.

June/July - Contact with the employer 

If you are accepted, contact your employer and IAESTE abroad to clarify further questions. Various things have to be done before departure: Vaccinations, visa, insurance, booking flights, applying for an account with credit card etc. 

After the internship - Internship report 

After completing the internship, you will have to write an internship report for us and complete the Trainee's Report. You will get your deposit back if you return it in time. 

Any Questions?

Do you have any further questions about internships abroad with IAESTE?